Tuesday, December 9, 2014

From a Recent Walk at Fresh Pond Reservoir

I walk to clear my head, to recalibrate myself, to socialize, to exercise, and to get a change of perspective. Here's a fave picture from a recent walk, beautifying the stark arrival of winter.
(click to enlarge)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Frederick (Rick) Carrier live at The Moth.

Frederick Carrier telling his story live at The Moth Radio hour in Boston, Oct. 16, 2014 at The Wilbur Theater. Rick discovered the Buchenwald prisoner camps in 1945 when he was 20 years old and helped to liberate the camp the next day, including 750 orphaned boys! 
He's an incredible man, and a gifted storyteller. 
When his story goes live on the The Moth's site, I'll post it, too.
(Click image to enlarge)